Groovychic75's Blog

{August 25, 2010}   Hello world!

Wow. This is different. I’m never at a loss of something to say until this moment. I don’t really know how to treat this blog, as this is new territory to me. I found I always had a large audience on Facebook. But this feels lonely, solitary…and yet, I guess I’m supposed to be writing to the world. Interesting. I don’t know where to start. So I guess I’ll introduce myself.

My name is T. Not really, but that’s what I’ll call myself here and it’s actually what quite a few people call me in the real world. I’m 34 years old. I have two children, Sky (boy) who is 12 and Ari (girl) who is 5. I am divorced after a very harrowing 13 years with a man (we’ll call him Jay) who found it difficult to be faithful, not just to me, but to God, to himself, to his family and friends. It’s really worse than it sounds unfortunately. I keep a home with my mother and my children. I have a roomate, Kris, for now anyway….she just informed me she’ll be moving out soon, which puts us in a terrible bind financially. I have a new boyfriend, Steve. He’s pretty amazing in a lot of ways…but this whole being in love again thing scares the heck out of me. Actually he’s the reason for the name, groovy is just one of the words he uses to describe me. And I guess I am. (Lol)

So: groovy things about me: I LOVE to dance and sing – really really loud (whether I’m any good or not is probably determined by the level of love the listener has for me). I am super good at that thing called being a Super Mommy. I have my job/career (we’ll get into that later); I run a household MOSTLY efficiently; I wake up early and go to bed late, all while trying my best to be on my top game in the Mommy world. I do nothing extraordinarily, but I can do anything I feel like doing with a good attitude and a joyful spirit. I am daring, so I’ll try new things, new foods, travel to new places and will meet and strike up a conversation with any new person. I lost almost 50 lbs this past year (hey, that’s groovy to me) – but I’ll still indulge everyday in chocolate, and at least once a week in french fries.

One of the biggest things about me is I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was raised by Witness parents and dedicated my life as a Witness when I was 12 years old of my own accord. I have made many many mistakes in my life since then, and have suffered the consequences of all those mistakes. I find that the times in my life that I left my Bible based convictions to pursue my own selfish desires were the worst times in my life. After one such occasion in my life, where I almost made some of the worst mistakes ever, I came back to my life as a Witness and repented for my sins. Since then I have been striving to live my life as cleanly as possible…but it is an everlasting struggle for me. I find, like the apostle Paul, that the good I want to do seems to always be fighting with the bad that is ever present in me. (Romans 7:15-25)

And so my blog begins. I imagine it will take the turns that my mind takes. Some days I will write about the mundane things of life turned extraordinary only by the perception of the one living it. And some days will be focused on that ever exciting future, the great unknown. Other days my heart will be stuck in the past, the shadowy existence of memories, a world both true and dreamed.

I don’t know who of you out there will care to read these musings of mine. I hope that I serve as a beacon of hope, for that is truly my noblest intention. And comment, comment, comment…groovy.

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